Walking with Jesus in consistency and hope

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B: Sept. 23, 2012
Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54; James 3:16–4:3; Mark 9:30-37

This is embarrassing! These disciples of Jesus: they follow him, travel with him, see everything he does, hear everything he says. They do so because they have been so impressed by him and want to learn from his teaching and follow his way. And yet, look at them in this reading! They don’t understand what he tells them about his coming death and resurrection, and yet they are afraid to ask him to explain it. And on their journey they are arguing about which of them is the greatest—which is so very foreign to everything that Jesus is about.

How is this possible? How can the disciples believe in him and love him and follow him and listen to him—and yet seemingly be walking a completely different path from him? Continue reading “Walking with Jesus in consistency and hope”